

The History Troupe devise content from a clear sense of place. A sure grasp of our community roots and heritage offers a strong platform to understand and build towards a viable and sustainable future. Award winning exhibitions and an extensive repertoire of exhibitions, plays and performances offer something for everyone to inform, entertain and challenge an audience from all walks of life.

This content is proving of real value to Regions and their communities as part of the cultural offer. Heritage adds value for visitors and locals alike and can be a destination magnet for inward investment. People do not come to live and work behind solely a desk; they want to have a rich variety of activities to enjoy and The History Troupe seeks to work with partners across the community to make heritage happen and open out the options.

And then there is Education. It takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb that sets the scene for The History Troupe’s work in community engagement.

Numerous studies in the USA, Germany and the UK highlight the significance of parental background on further study choices and career pathways. All the more reason to engage across the community with content that can raise aspirations and match potential with appropriate rather than potentially ill informed choice. Heritage events build footfall and have people coming back for more and the stories can trigger memories and a thirst for discovery.

Community Highlights

Community History