The History Troupe devised and delivered a range of content for workshops, theatre and exhibitions up to the Covid lockdowns. Access to community, performance, schools and residential homes was stopped and continues to be complex. Given this position, The History Troupe will cease trading and all content reverts to Rob Bell - who wrote much of the content in the first place. It has been an extraordinary experience and thanks to ALL who performed and helped make things happen - you know who you are - and ALL who turned up to back content on roots, heritage and futures. Wonderful memories. For now, this website highlights what was achieved in a few short years.
RT @VHEY_UK: Hull Fact of the Day Mary Murdoch graduated from London School of Medicine for Women in 1893 and became House Surg… https://t.co/qhNlk4VG0e
RT @darrenpce: #OTD 2018 -- the first (of a few) #live #theatre #multicam #plays for the @HistoryTroupe #Hull (at the much-missed… https://t.co/Gk2sTiEiK2
RT @zoekenington: Great day with @HistoryTroupe performing ‘The Vote’ and looking at the topic of ‘Ageing Britain’ with Year 12&13 st… https://t.co/E2WJLQwUiO
RT @SM6_MHSC_Acad: A massive #thankyou to @HistoryTroupe for the amazing Ageing Britain session today. Our students really enjoyed the… https://t.co/TA7Kc0QchY
RT @SMCHull: Thank you @HistoryTroupe for another #worldclass opportunity for our Medical & Social Care academy students. https://t.co/56cQ0zguJj
Our #AgeingBritain #workshop with @SM6_MHSC_Acad @SM6Hull Thank you to over 120 students #aspiring at #careers in t… https://t.co/E0S2srixVH
RT @TMCHull: Thank you to all who came to the Heritage Day coffee morning, a great time had by all. Special thanks to Navenka, D… https://t.co/37DjZmXums