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Madame Clapham (Talk)

  • Hallgate Primary School Cottingham United Kingdom (map)
Corsetry Generic.PNG

2018 is the centenary of the closing of the first world war. This evening is a talk on the context of the era from 1910 to 1920.

Madame Clapham was a formidable and demanding seamstress proud of her haute couture dressmaking  salon on Kingston Square, opposite what is now the new theatre. ‘The Strange Death of Corsetry’ explores the role of women before and after the war, against the backdrop of Madame Clapham’s salon. At it’s height, over 200 seamstresses worked in the cold rooms. Before the war; fashions were long and intricate. War brought a make do and mend spirit and shorter styles. This formidable lady set high standards, but was unhappy with this new age.

Women had changed; how did Madame Clapham respond?

Date & Time: 7/11/18 at 7:15PM

Venue: Hallgate Primary School

Free Entry (donations welcome!)

Earlier Event: 23 October
From Sappho Down to Now
Later Event: 8 November